Happy Thanksgiving!

John and I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week, and get to spend some quality time with family and friends who you may not see on a regular basis.

Be sure to check the first comment on this post for Timothy's email mentioned in Episode #094. It was too long for us to read on the show (we're trying really hard to hit that one-hour mark for you guys) so it's being posted here instead.

Don't get killed trying to get Mario Galaxy from Circuit City on Black Friday!

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The End is Nigh...

...of the year, that is. And your time is running out to submit your answers for out Best of 2007 survey, as well as our #1 Fan Quiz. I know it sounds like we push these all the time, but we've only had a few listeners participate so far, and we know that there are plenty more of you out there who we would love to hear from.

In the mean time, enjoy Episode #093, where we had a very good discussion on companies making games for fun and making games for profit. Who knows, you might even learn something.

Game on!

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Best of 2007!

If you haven't already, be sure to submit your answers to our "Best of 2007" survey. There is a link to it on the tippy-top of the sidebar on the right-hand side of this very blog. Really couldn't be easier to get to. You can even leave your answers in the comments, that'd be greeeaaat...

Keep the show topic suggestions coming in too! We've had suggestions from a great number of our fans and we love getting them. A big thank-you to everyone who has already sent them in, including Travis, Simon, Timothy, Robert and others.

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