3... 2... 1... Fight!

Episode #079 is available, get it while it's hot. You've never heard squealing, whimpering and gnashing of teeth like you'll hear in this episode, where John and Phil argue about cinematics in videogames.

Do you think that cinematics need to be pre-rendered (as in Final Fantasy VII) in order to make you feel more drawn into the game, or can cinematics be rendered on-the-fly by using the game's engine and still manage to draw you in just as much? Comment on this post with your thoughts on the matter, we want to hear 'em!

Next week, we will be doing another System Focus episode, focusing on the short-lived Sega Dreamcast.

I'm out, game on!
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Ok now this is just WRONG

Another website listening to our show and stealing our topics...

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8-Bit on Bone Error

So our Band Leader contacted me and told me that his latest rendition of 8-Bit on Bone for Episode #078 was cut short. There is a fixed version of the episode in the feed and the original episode has been removed. If you want to hear the whole 8-Bit, you can either re-download the episode or wait until next week, when we will run it again.

GarageBand sincerely apologizes to Paul Ahlemeyer for the inconvenience.

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Episodes #078 and #079 - "What are we Doing?"

So in a strange turn of events, John and I went in to the studio yesterday to tape Episode #078, sat down, and I told him that I didn't have anything to talk about this week. Nothing. Now wait a minute, you say, I thought the guys were talking about E3 (again) this show? Allow me to explain why that didn't happen, courtesy of Timothy Sundberg:

"Very little to say about this show. I don't really care about big announcements, just news in general. I did like the week format of past shows better as I prefer my news spread out instead of in large lumps. Honestly, I don't care a whole lot about E3; I haven't, and I probably won't."

This was the sole email that found its way to us for this show. Keep in mind that Mr. Sundburg usually writes us an entire novel each week. But all is well inside this console, because it took about fifteen minutes (intro, candle, drinks and all) for a topic to spontaneously present itself: Sequels.

We spent about 45 minutes, unprepared, talking about the different types of game sequels, comparing them to the movie industry, discussing everything from Harry Potter to Metal Gear Solid to Super Mario and more.

And that, my dear fans and friends, is why I like doing Inside The Console. Because more than a year and a half ago, John and I realized that we spent so much time randomly discussing videogames in-depth, that we might as well make a show out of it. And I think this episode proves that we're still not half-bad at it...

But enough mushy-mush. Next week we're moving on to a new category of show here at ITC; "The Importance Of..." Episode #079 - for next week- we will be discussing The Importance of Cinematics in Videogames.
I'm out. Game on.
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Holy Crap Batman!

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The New E3, Episodes #077 and #078

The first of two episodes going over the new E3 is available for download. Here are the links that Phil referred to during the episode:
Barker Hanger Video
PS3 60GB RIP and 80GB Backwards Compatibility
Sony and Europe

Remember that we're still covering both the format and the news from this year's E3 for next week, Episode #078. Post your thoughts about E3 and its news in the comments.

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It's a Poooooodcast!

Episode #076:
The show is available, and it's a doozy. We try to define exactly what a Gamer is, and we had a lot of listener input for this one. Good stuff.

Upcoming Episode #077:
We plan to tape #077 on time - meaning Sunday the 15th - so send your emails and post your comments soon. We will be discussing The "New E3" and how well it compares to what the E3 of yesteryear had become. Is it really that much better? We'll probably talk a little bit about the news that comes out too, I suppose...

Game on!

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Our Listeners are the Best

I thought this was worthy of its own post. As a response to my halfway-joking post asking for a picture of Inside The Console being listened to on an iPhone, we got this from our listener Jim Park:

ITC on iPhone

Seriously, what more could we ask for?

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Upcoming Episode #076 - And #075 is Available!

Hit the feed, Episode #075 has finally been recorded, and we have a good excuse, so don't kill us please.  Simon Ringsmuth guest starred on this episode to help us attempt to define whether or not videogames are a legitimate form of art.  Good show, you should listen...

Coming Up: Episode #076 - What Defines a Gamer?
Next week's show, which will be recorded about one day late to help ease us back on track, will focus on what really makes a gamer a gamer?  We toss the term around pretty much ever week on the show, but seriously, what really is a gamer?
Gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer, ... gamer!
Sorry, just reminded of the "Console Exclusivity" episode there, my bad.
So that's it, just tell us what you think it means to be a gamer, and game on!
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