Chugging Along

Episode #091 is up and a few of you are already downloading it. We know it may not be the greatest (read: it's kinda boring) but we encourage you to listen anyway, because you might pick up on something about either the DS or the PSP that you didn't know before.

I've got a few links for the episode that I'll be posting here a little later, so keep watch for that. Also, be sure to check out the first annual "Inside The Console's Best of..." contest, which is linked in the sidebar. It's where you, the fans, get to send your submissions for the best of (in several categories) for the year 2007. Check it out.

Next week we're doing yet another fan-submitted topic (keep 'em coming!) this time from Simon. We will be taking a "Devil's Advocate" approach to the PS3, and looking at it for everything it has to offer. This is a complete turn-around from our usual take on Sony and the PS3, but we think it will be good for us and good for you guys as well.

Game on!

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Don't worry, we're here

A two-day delay is what happens when both hosts manage to get sick at the same time. But we got a new show up, our 90th (man, that sounds like a lot) and we've actually had several fan submissions for show topics, including this one.

While you're here, here's a link that's on-par with episode #090, on why we need game saves.

Robert Feinburg's is up next week, when we talk about the life of the DS and the PSP. As always, send your comments and questions to

Game on!

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Happy Birthday to Me!

Today's my 25th birthday, so, Happy Birthday Phil!

Check out that sidebar over there --> -->

It's been cleaned up and I've added a schedule that links directly to our five most recent episodes, and will always have the upcoming topic right on the top of the page. That way we don't have to mess with putting the topic here in the blog.

Also check out the Screenshots link, where we have some new pictures courtesy of our listener Sara Abbott.

Check out John's Sony Video from the candle.

A'ight. I'm out. Keep sending us those listener map locations and photos!

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Game On!

Now that that's over, we are back on track! If you haven't already, (we know for sure that some of you already have) click on that link to get subscribed to our new feed. Episode #088 is finished and waiting for the taking. This week we talked about what has changed over the years to distract people from playing videogames purely for their own enjoyment. Not a bad show, and not a bad show length either...

Next week:
We'll be talking about how single player gaming has changed videogames. We did a show a few weeks back talking about how multiplayer gaming has changed things, and it was suggested that we do the same for single player.

As always, send us your thoughts on any of it. And keep your eyes here on the blog for some changes and updates (like the Lan Party bar on the right).

Game on!

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New Feed Official - Oh yeah, and a topic...

First of all, for upcoming episode #088, we'll be talking about what happened over the years to just being able to buy and play games. When (and why?) did people stop playing for fun and start playing just to scrutinize? Here's a link that got my mind running on this in the first place:

Halo 3 Resolution

Now, for the news! Our new feed is up and running, although you might get (hopefully optional) ads in the feed for a short while, they won't be there for long. And thanks to this new place (and no thanks once again to GoDaddy) we now after only 87 weeks have an image in the feed which shows up in iTunes. Click the link below to check out the feed in iTunes.

iTunes Link

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Goodbye GoDaddy!


It's time once again to get up, pack your bags, and move to a new RSS feed for Inside The Console. I'd been getting used to GoDaddy not letting us do the simple things that we wanted to do with our RSS feed, but this "sorry, we're not giving your storage space back" has put me over the top. That, and we simply can't add anymore episodes to the feed.

A new feed has been created with a new Podcast Hosting Company, Switchpod, and you can subscribe to it with iTunes by clicking under "Advanced -> Subscribe to Podcast." Here's the feed address for subscribing:

Episode #087 is already in there. Be sure to let us know if there are any issues, and keep your eyes here for any more information.

Thanks for sticking with us.

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