New Show, New Map, New Trivia!

Hello Consolers! Episode #081 of Inside The Console is up and running, though be warned, it runs just shy of an hour-and-a-half long. Sorry about that... We try to stop with our main topic at about an hour, but we ran a little over and still had to do our emails from the previous week as well as the trivia. We'll try to keep the length a little more manageable in the future.

Moving on, we once again have a listener map. Check the link over to the right side of the page. We would love to hear from everyone who currently listens to the show about where they are, and maybe even have a picture. Email us your name, location and a photo (if you don't mind) to and we'll add you to the map.

For Next Week:
We'll be discussing The Importance of Graphics vs. Gameplay. This has always been a hot topic, and is coming up again with the release of Metroid Prime 3, and the whole Wii being "two GameCubes duct-taped together" vs. the 360 and the PS3 thing.

Tell us what you think about graphics vs. gameplay by emailing

Peace out, and Game On!

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Guess Who's Back? Back Again...

Back from the dead! After two full weeks off, John and I finally crawled back into the studio and brushed the dust off the recording equipment.

Uh, the Chipotle is here, gotta run.


Update: Links from the show, and another "coincidence" story...
Warkawk Server Farm
Mexican Playstation 3 Price
New Indie Dreamcast Games
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Don't Worry...

My apologies for the unannounced lack of shows lately, but John and I are taking a little time off in order to step back and look at "the big picture" of Inside The Console. When we do return, and believe me, we shall, things will be (hopefully) much improved overall and allow us to continue to "power down the console" for a long time to come.

Game on!

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