Inside The iPhone

First person to show us a photograph of Inside The Console being listened to on an iPhone wins a cookie!

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Preview for Episode 5^2+5^2+(2^3*3)+ln(e) or 75 if you prefer

Yeah so I'm a math nerd, wanna fight about it?

So we are debating the question of whether or not video games are an art form. Let's here what you have to say!

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Champion of Cyrodill

I'm proud to say that after nearly 140 hours of playing, I have finally completed Oblivion's main questline.  I've spent the majority of that time completing the factions and various sidequests, but I think now that I can actually start playing something else... finally.

I'll come back to Oblivion from time to time and continue to work out sidequests until I have all of the gamerpoints available, but in the mean time I've got Tiger Woods '07 on the Wii that needs some attention, as well as Need For Speed Carbon.

It feels good to finally be free :-).

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#74 Pre-show Thoughts

Well here's your chance. If you hate e-mail, don't like AIM, and aren't lucky enough to be able to call us... BLOG! That's right here's another avenue to comment on our upcoming episode about the Nintendo Wii: 6-8 Months Later!

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Episode #073: The Playstation 3 "Six to Eight Months Later"- How is it really doing?

Hello all you consolers out there in console land! This week's show is all about the Sony Playstation 3 and how we think it's performing in the market six to eight months after its release. Last year, John and I did a "six months later" episode on the Xbox 360, but it was actually eight months after it was released before we realized we should have done a "six months" episode. In the spirit of that show, which we actually titled Six to Eight Months Later, today we revisit the Playstation 3 and talk about how we think it's doing.

This week's introduction music is a long-lost classic that John wanted to hear a few weeks ago called "Jesus is Still Alright" by DC Talk. It's a hip-hop techno-rap remix of a song called "Jesus is Just Alright" by the Doobie Brothers. The exit music is something our Band Leader Paul Ahlemeyer (aka "Burping Paul") found, and I think it's called 72 Trombones. I'm hoping he'll jump in the comments and clarify that for me.

For next week, we're going to look at the Nintendo Wii Six to Eight Months Later and talk about how we think it's performing. In a few days we will have a post just for that show, but feel free to comment here on how you think the Wii is doing. And don't forget to check out some of the LAN Party sections to the right, especially the Screenshots.

Game on!

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Hey listeners. John here. Gotta question for you all... What do you want? What would you like to hear from us and what would you like to see changed? We've had some input recently and we'd love to have some more. Like we've said in the past, this is about you. We need to know what we can do to make the show better for you!

Thanks a lot Consolers!

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Episode #072: The Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta, Questions and Answers

Awesome man, just awesome. John and I were able to successfully get two listeners on today's show via Skype, and it worked out just wonderfully. Huge thanks go out to Jim Park and Justin Spanbauer for participating in this episode.

We start things off by reading emails and such as usual, then Jim Park comes on for about twenty minutes for a little Q-and-A. He had emailed us about three weeks ago with some questions regarding the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta, and we asked that he hold off on them until this show. It was very cool to be able to answer questions one-on-one like that with a fan.

After Jim's departure we call up Justin Spanbauer for another twenty or so minutes of just open-ended talk about the multiplayer beta. Both of these guys really knew what they were talking about, and I'm just really glad we were able to get them on the show. Aside from a little bit of muffling, they both sounded quite good as well.

Before Jim and Justin came on, we even had two phone calls this week, one from our Band Leader Paul Alhemeyer, and another from listener Simon Ringsmuth. They were both taken over speakerphone, but eventually I hope to be able to run phone calls into our sound board to improve the quality.

We also got an email from Jeremy Knudtson in St. Louis with a few YouTube links regarding thing's we've recently talked about here on the show. Here they are for you:

The Entire History of Video Games in 4 Minutes
Video Game Console Pictures in Release Date Order
Punch Out Live Action Trailer

Alright everybody, I hope you enjoy the show!


Upcoming Topic for Episode #073:
The Playstation 3 "Six to Eight Months Later": How is it really doing?
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Episode #072 Details - Listen Up!

Hey there everybody. If you are participating in the Halo 3 Beta show, Episode #071, we are taping on Sunday, June 10th at 4:00pm, Central Time. If you're not in the Central Time Zone, here is a good link to figure out what time you'll need to be on Skype.

If you haven't told us that you want to be on the show and would still like to participate, please let us know in the comments, and please provide your Skype name.

Game on!

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Upcoming Episode #072 - Halo 3 Beta

The upcoming episode will focus on the newly-released Halo 3 Beta. We are looking for listeners who have played the beta to join us on this show via Skype. We are planning to tape this episode Sunday, June 10th, in the afternoon or early evening.

If you are interested in participating in this episode, please reply to this post with your Skype name. I will be doing some testing this week to ensure that this show will run smoothly, and let you know what's going on with it right here in these comments.

Thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to this one...

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Episode #071

This Week's Topic: Machinima

Welcome to the blog! In Episode #071, John and I talked about something called Machinima. It's essentially where mini-episodes of "TV shows" are made using videogames and published on a regular basis. Even full-length films have been made by recording pre-scripted actions in a game.

The most popular Machinima Series is Red Vs. Blue, found at Several other machinima shows are mentioned during this episode, but to be honest I can't remember any others at the moment. Check the comments and maybe I can get John to link to some other ones. Who knows, maybe he'll even log in and put up his own post?

Enjoy the new blog. Give it some time to grow, and hopefully we'll have the LAN Party and everything else good about the old website back here soon. In the mean time, feel free to comment on our posts, and we'll surely get back to you quickly.

Game on!

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