Monday, February 22, 2010

Trivia: It's In The Fog

This one takes us back to the good old days of the N64 again, to a game that was one of my personal favorites at the time.  Though nearly impossible, in fact I never beat the game without cheat codes, launching dead bodies in the air with a grenade launcher was a great time.

Don't know what I'm talking about?  It's the original Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter.  The game's draw-distance may have been an abysmal ten feet or so, with whatever planet the game took place on covered in perpetual fog, and not much of a storyline to speak of, the game was simply a blast to play and explore.

What we want to know is this:  What was the name of the final weapon in the game - the weapon that, much like the Triforce, you collected a piece of on each of the levels?  Answer it correctly and you're up for something awesome from the ITC Swag Bin!

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