Monday, February 8, 2010

Drinking Game: Cheesecake

So I've finally ran out of my bargain-bin energy drinks and terrible excuses for drinks for the game, and with that in mind, it's with delight that I return to our old staple, Drinks Mixer for today's Non-Alcoholic Drink of the Week...
Cheesecake Float
Soft Cream Cheese
Strawberry Soda
Frozen Yogurt or Vanilla Ice Cream
In a blender, mix together the strawberry soda and the soft cream cheese in a 3:1 ratio.  Add in scoops of frozen yogurt or vanilla ice cream as you see fit.

8-Bit Style
The Hammer of God

The Gears of War series boasts some of our favorite shooter weaponry of all time, but one of Marcus Fenix's armaments that plays a big role in the plot of Gears of War 2 is the Hammer of God.  It's a hand-held weapon that, when activated, calls a huge beam of destruction down from an orbital satellite.  It's a futuristic upgrade of the classic bombardier raid.  We've taken the old-school drink and the Air mail and renamed it in honor - quaff a couple of these and you'll feel like the Hammer hit you.

2 ounces golden rum
1/2 ounce lime juice
1 teaspoon honey
5 ounces Brut champagne

Mix thoroughly with cracked ice in a chilled coctail shaker, then pour unstrained into a Collins glass.  Fill with champagne.

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