Retro: In-Game Advertising

Now when you look at the same concept so much has changed. Not only do we have advertising in game for sponsors, but the developers themselves are advertising in their own games. I've played through Dragon Age completely at this point and even have purchased the downloadable content for the game, but even I was shocked by what can only be deemed advertising in the game.
For those of you who haven't played it you have an in-game "camp" that serves as a hub for your party. In this camp is a guy who is not a member of your party who wants you to help him with a quest. After listening to his story he TELLS you that if you want to assist him go to (insert console specific store here) and PURCHASE THE CONTENT. Now never mind anyhting other than that this game is an RPG. A ROLE PLAYING GAME. Can we seriously be expected to be immersed into an environment when the in-game NPC's talk about the fact that it is a GAME?
Now things aren't all bad since that night so long ago. Some developers (See 2K) listened to fan backlash over all of this advertising and it's effects on realism and responded (it appears) accordingly to fix the problem. Even in my own experience it appears that the advertisers themselves have started to back out. This years Madden was noticeably less inundated with advertisement. Now who knows, this could be a result of the recession and a lack of dollars (or not). Maybe advertisers have noticed a lack of sales increase due to the money they have been spending.
The reality of it is that game developers will continue to insert ads and claim that it enhances the realism and allows them to deliver a quality product. Gamers will continue to be upset over being forced to watch these "invasive" ads. I think it is a little of both. But listen in to hear what we thought then and make up you own mind to what has happened. Especially listen and hear what we said about the future. It's always fun to listen to our predictions from years ago with new knowledge.
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