Monday, January 18, 2010

Drinking Game: Coffee

I have had a love/hate relationship with coffee over the years.  Firstly, I can hardly stand the way it tastes black, or even marginally close to black.  It has to be masked with enough cream, sugar, chocolate, mint, or whatever else to make you forget what you're really drinking.  So this week I present my current personal coffee drink.
Non-Alcoholic Style
Phil's Coffee Recipe
Start with two bags of Host of Nebraska coffee in a large filter.  Run the pot until it's full, and in the meantime, add two packages of powdered creamer, two (sometimes three) sugar packets, and one Sweet and Low into a thermos.  When the pot's brewed, fill the thermos to a half-inch from the top.  Stir thoroughly with a disposable plastic knife.  Enjoy.

Alcoholic Style
12 oz Mountain Dew
1 shot Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
1 shot Johnnie Walker Scotch Whiskey

Take a highball glass or anything that will hold 12 oz. of soda and pour the soda in the glass. Next take one shot of the captain morgan's spiced rum and add it to the mountain dew. Finally, add one shot of the johnnie walker red label to the mix. Stir it and enjoy.

8-Bit Style
Left 4 Dead
Fresh muddled lime wedges
Mango puree
Shaken and poured over rocks.  I'd say that the Left 4 Dead cocktail reminds me of the caipirinha, or the classic cocktail of Brazil, but honestly, that's probably just due to the cachaca, as this one has no mint in it. Still, it's another fruity drink, this time named after a first person shooter slash survival horror game that emphasizes teamwork for the humans and 28 Days Later-esque "Infected" zombies on the other side, some with grotesque powers, others who will curbstomp you while you're down. Like the zombies, I'd bet this drink would pound your head into the curb if you're not careful. Cachaca can be dangerous stuff.

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