In some ways I feel a little bit like Rip Van Winkle or Han Solo after being released from his Carbonite chamber. In college I was an avid video gamer, and even though I mostly owned Nintendo consoles and Macintosh computers, I managed to stay fairly current with a lot of the games and gaming trends. After graduating, moving to Minnesota, and starting my career as a teacher, I found that video games took a back seat to lots of other things. My job kept me so busy that when I had time to play video games, I rarely did as I didn't really find them to be relaxing or even enjoyable (levels I could not beat only frustrated me, since I didn't have much time to devote to a game in the first place). We did get a Wii, though, and I did enjoy playing (dare I say it?) casual games with my wife and our friends, but it was never the same as the late nights spent playing Halo or Resident Evil in college. And to be honest, I just didn't play video games all that much.
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