Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You said you want a Revolution?

We absolutely could not wait. Nintendo said they were creating a next-gen system that would be “a Revolution.” In fact, that’s what we started calling it, “The Nintendo Revolution.” We didn’t know much else, but we knew it would change the face of gaming as we knew it then. And you know what. We were absolutely right.
What would eventually be christened “The Nintendo Wii” has been an anomaly of sorts in the video game world. The sales are through the roof, and have been for about two and a half years. Many people who haven’t played a game in years, or in some cases ever, are rushing to the store to pick one up. Well, that is assuming that their local retailer(s) has them in stock at all. Never before has there been a gaming console this difficult to get your hands on this far into its life cycle. It’s simply insane.
And what about the gamers themselves? Those fresh to the fold say the Wii is the greatest thing ever. The more ingrained gamers & fanboys say that the company of their childhood has left them standing in the cold, asking for more.
The Wii has even spawned copycats. “How do you copycat a video game console without getting sued?” you ask. Well, we will explore all of these topics and more on the next episode of Inside the Console: The Wii effect.
To help us deep-dive into this subject, we’ve got a few questions we’d like you to answer for us.
1. Do you have a Wii?
2. If so, how often do you play it?
3. Have you ever played co-op with someone on line with your Wii?
4. Do you feel that there are games out there for the “core gamer” or is there just “shovel-ware” available?
5. If you own a Wii, do you regret buying it and why?

And while you’re answering questions, please help us decide the tie-breakers in our 2008 ITC awards. There are only a few, and there on the left side of your screen (trust me, I looked). With that, on behalf of Phil and John, welcome to season 4 of ITC!


2 Comments On This Post:

Tim said...

1. YES.

2. Almost every day, but I use it for other stuff like internet surfing as well.

3. Yes I have.

4. Some, but there could be far more and they are often overlooked.

5. Not really, my (kinda) only regret is buying it within a few months of launch so I have a first generation unit, it's prone to freezing up and the disc drive can get loud at times; but I still love it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 11:01:00 PM CST
Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Just listened to the show, and no, Drew, I'm not crying, although your concern for my emotional well-being is touching. I think you're right about the Wii serving as a "gateway drug" for potential new core gamers, but I don't really think that this is anything like a "strategy". Keep in mind that when asked about what's being offered for core gamers, Reggie has not said, "Just wait, it's coming"; he's said, "It's here. Go play Animal Crossing."

Still, I don't hate the Wii. I don't regret buying it (better to make that known before you post that letter -- keep in mind, IT'S A JOKE). And when these games I'm waiting for come out, I'm sure they'll be worth the wait. But right now it's a little difficult; I think we can agree on that.

Oh, and just to clear it up: I arrived at the figure of eighteen Game Boy Color paint jobs worldwide by counting the ones listed on Wikipedia. This is probably not the best source, but it's the one I used.

Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 9:44:00 PM CST

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