Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New Thing

So one of our big goals for 2009 is for us to be more active on the blog. Give you something to look at during the week and all. So...

We never really talked much with you guys about our Christmas hauls. So my wife being the joy that she is hooked me back up with a PS2. So this goes down as my 3rd PS2 to date. The thing that shocked me the most about the whole gift was the size of the damn thing. My first PS2 was the original system problem. Most of you probably have at least heard about the "Disc Read Error" fiasco with the first 3 or so runs of PS2's. That fiasco made the RRoD look like nothing. That thing was beefy though. The original PS2 had so much size to it. The second one I had was a Network Adapter version. The thing got even bigger. Now I pull this new one out of the box and it has all of the features at maybe a third of the size. I just don't understand how this works. Have we really moved so far in our technology over that amount of time?

If so how come the PS2 memory card has NEVER changed in size?

For you long time listeners you are aware of our belief in an online media conspiracy against ITC. Yet again this has occured. Shortly after we began our 2008 Awards, the wonderful site, had a similar posting ran. Zero Punctuation, one of the greatest weekly video reviews, posted their 2008 annual awards. Definately worth going over and giving them a look see. Take a look at some past episodes as well if you get a chance between our episodes.


2 Comments On This Post:

OverlordStrider said...

great blog! Im now a follower...if ya want to, check out my blog over at and perhaps click "follow this blog" for me!

Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 9:25:00 AM CST
Anonymous said...

Think that's crazy? Have you seen the size differences between the DS "Phat" and DS Lite?

Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 5:08:00 PM CST

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