Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Scavenger Hunt

I've mentioned it on one or two episodes recently, but I've either been too busy (or lazy) to get the darn thing posted. So here, without further adieu, is my latest and greatest scavenger hunt:

1. Find Nintendo's only system that required all software to have an option to automatically pause the game every 15 to 30 minutes.

2. On Wikipedia's list of games for this system, find the only game not released in Japan that is also not based on a movie.

3. Find the name of a gaming company that fits the following criteria: The second letter of the company's name is the only vowel to appear two times in the answer to step #2, and the fourth letter of the company's name is the only vowel that does not appear in the answer to step #2.

4. Find the home console that this company released in the same year that the system from step #1 was released.

5. Two games for this system (each is part of a series) have titles that contain the predominant word in Dennis Rodman's nickname. Find the one of these two games that is a sequel.

6. There is a sidekick in this game who, according to Wikipedia, communicates with only two types of noises. Find these noises.

7. Taking all of the vowels from these two noises, in order, will give you the symbol for an element on the Periodic Table. Find the atomic number of this element.

8. There was another home console released in the same year used in step #4. On Wikipedia's list of games for this system, find the game who's external link number (looks like "[100]" ) is the atomic number from step #7 plus one. Given the example, this would be link [101].

9. On GameSpot's list of Player Reviews for this game, find the username of the person who submitted the oldest review that also references the unused series of games from step #5. Several Player Reviews reference this series of games, so be sure to find the username of the person who submitted the oldest one.

10. This username contains one of the two vowels not yet used on this scavenger hunt. Determine this vowel, and convert it to it's alphabetical placement value. A = 1, B = 2, etc. Do this for every occurence of the vowel in the username, and total it all up.

11. Take the only vowel not yet used in this scavenger hunt, and convert it to a number like in step #10. Add this value to the total you got after completing step #10.

12. You need two numbers for this step. One will be one of the single digits from step #11's answer. If the total is 87, this number would be either 8 or 7. Call this number X. The other will be the total you get when you add up all the single digits in step #11's answer, which will end up being a single digit answer. An example would be if the total was 26, this number would be 2 + 6, = 8. Call this number Y.

13. Find the only videogame system ever released whose name contains both X and Y.

14. On this console, using Wikipedia's list of its games as your guide, find the (Y-1)th game to come out in the Xth month in the year ( ( Y / X ) * ( 10 ^ X ) ) + Y in North America.

15. This game has several major cities that can be visited, but only one of these cities has a vowel that occurs back-to-back in its name. If the city were named Woot, that would fit the bill. Find this city.

16. Find the character who lives in this city whose first and last names both begin with the same vowel.

17. On IGN's PS3 reviews, find the game whose score is the same percentage as the character's health from the previous step, and whose last letter in the name is the same as the vowel from the previous step. If the character's health were 50, you'd be looking for a review score of 50% or 5.0, and whose last letter in the name of the game is the same as the vowel from the previous step.

18. Email to us the Closing Comments section of the review.

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