Sunday, June 24, 2007

Preview for Episode 5^2+5^2+(2^3*3)+ln(e) or 75 if you prefer

Yeah so I'm a math nerd, wanna fight about it?

So we are debating the question of whether or not video games are an art form. Let's here what you have to say!


3 Comments On This Post:

Anonymous said...

Of course it is. That's kind of a duh question, but then again I am sure some people would disagree. Like that stupid guy you talked about a few episodes ago, the ignorant one. I am sure the majority of the people in the gaming industry are in it because it is their passion, unlike you know accounting or something boring like that. Why else would you see such detail and sweeping backgrounds in some of these games? You guys talk about different platforms "potential". I think it is an art to bring these games to their full graphical potential. I know I couldn't be that creative, so yes I do believe you can consider that art. I could always use the porn arguement too...soooo?

Monday, June 25, 2007 at 9:19:00 AM CDT
Anonymous said...

It's what I said in my e-mail, is the game itself art, or is the art in the game the art? Of course there is art in the game, but, a good portion of that game is programming and I don't think many would consider programming an art.

Consider an oil painting on a canvas. The painting is art, no one can deny that, but, that painting cannot exist without the canvas so, is that canvas art? just the canvas, not what's on it. Or, since an oil painting is on that canvas do they become the sum of their parts? Something besides a piece of canvas stretched over a wooden frame with oil based pigments on it. You would call it art.

So, what I am saying is, the base programming enables that art to exist so, does the game become the sum of its parts? Or does the art in the game just get put on the canvas of the programming?

Notice the question marks, they signify that I am asking a question. Not stating facts or opinions.

Monday, June 25, 2007 at 10:01:00 PM CDT
Anonymous said...

this is jim park, and bear in mind i am posting this from'my ds browser. I basicly agree with what tim said. But i think that video games as a whole are not art, but there can be art within the game. Although i think that any video game designer who calls themself an artist is pretty lame, and should get a life.

Friday, June 29, 2007 at 11:37:00 PM CDT

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