Monday, June 18, 2007

Episode #073: The Playstation 3 "Six to Eight Months Later"- How is it really doing?

Hello all you consolers out there in console land! This week's show is all about the Sony Playstation 3 and how we think it's performing in the market six to eight months after its release. Last year, John and I did a "six months later" episode on the Xbox 360, but it was actually eight months after it was released before we realized we should have done a "six months" episode. In the spirit of that show, which we actually titled Six to Eight Months Later, today we revisit the Playstation 3 and talk about how we think it's doing.

This week's introduction music is a long-lost classic that John wanted to hear a few weeks ago called "Jesus is Still Alright" by DC Talk. It's a hip-hop techno-rap remix of a song called "Jesus is Just Alright" by the Doobie Brothers. The exit music is something our Band Leader Paul Ahlemeyer (aka "Burping Paul") found, and I think it's called 72 Trombones. I'm hoping he'll jump in the comments and clarify that for me.

For next week, we're going to look at the Nintendo Wii Six to Eight Months Later and talk about how we think it's performing. In a few days we will have a post just for that show, but feel free to comment here on how you think the Wii is doing. And don't forget to check out some of the LAN Party sections to the right, especially the Screenshots.

Game on!


2 Comments On This Post:

Inside The Console said...

Just a little interesting follow-up...

Monday, June 18, 2007 at 10:34:00 PM CDT
Inside The Console said...

Here's another interesting follow-up regarding Kutaragi. I wanted to link directly to the CNN story but apparently it was down. Here's Joystiq's take on it:

Kutaragi Retires


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at 1:37:00 PM CDT

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