Requiem For Nintendo
You can now download the first half of our "Requiem For Nintendo" episode, where we basically go over Nintendo's E3 press conference from last month (sorry Tim) and talk about how severely disappointed we were with what we saw. Even for me, who is a self-acknowledged fanboy of the company, really doesn't see what's left to hold onto at this point. It kinda sucks. We talk about how their biggest showing was the toddler-perfect Wii Music, and the fact that, unless we missed something, the logo for GTA: Chinatown Wars was the only third-party game shown the entire time.Correction Notice:
Shaun White Snowboarding is an Ubisoft title. If there are other third-party games we missed, please let us know in the comments.
Let us know what you think about the whole ordeal in the comments below. We've heard from some of you, but we would always like to hear from more. Nintendo has a wonderfully strong history with some of the most-recognized figures and titles in gaming, and now it seems, with only slight exaggeration, they're only interested in printing themselves more money with the Wii and have forgotten about their last twenty-five or so years. Or maybe we're wrong and we missed something? Please, do tell...
Also before I get outta here, John turned a whopping twenty-six years old on the 12th, soaring right on past the quarter-century mark. So happy birthday John! Here's to the $1,600 or so you'll be spending on your Madden subscription before you hit the big five-oh and do this all over again. *clinky*
3 Comments On This Post:
In discussing the Wii MotionPlus lets not forget the biggest problem of all: Developers had no prior warning.
Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 12:43:00 AM CDTSo what does this mean in the immediate future? That unless DLC is magically bestowed on the Wii, both Star Wars titles coming this fall on Wii (Clone Wars and the Force Unleashed) will not have 1:1. LucasArts has already expressed that Clone Wars was made because of the fan cries for 1:1 Lightsaber action, as well as how displeased they are at the lack of warning about the new belated fulfillment of a promise. Er, device. At this moment we as hard-core gamers can't really put a thumb on a game we really want to play on our little white boxes. MadHouse may give us something, but it's the only Wii-exclusive I can see coming down the horizon.
EDIT: This is a bona-fide rant, treat it as such. Had to repost because you cannot edit comments.
Monday, August 18, 2008 at 1:39:00 AM CDTSeriously? Seriously guys? I thought you were smarter than this. Get over yourselves.
ONE bad PRESS conference at an event that doesn't matter anymore and Nintendo has stabbed you in the back and killed all your children? Not withstanding that Nintendo is and has historically been secretive, DIFFERENT from the rest of the industry, and known for taking a long time with their games but, through all of that, as a company, they are revered above almost all others; do you know why? It is because they MAKE GOOD GAMES, no, in fact, they make some of the BEST GAMES.
I've mentioned this before but, it it seems you have not taken it to heart, Be glad that you are getting first party Nintendo games at all, (do you honestly think they won't make another Zelda or Mario?)
In case you can't tell, I am pissed, pissed at you. Get some sense into your heads.
Side Note: Get your Nintendo facts straight, they are based in Kyoto, Japan, and all of the decisions stem from there, not from Redmond as you seem to imply. Japan makes the decisions, NOA carries them out in the U.S. Reggie and company don't hold much power in the overall structure of Nintendo, just the American branch.
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