Fighters, Back to Your Corners
Ok, everyone, lets all step back and take a deep breath. Obviously, we tackled a subject that, in some way or another, envokes a lot of emotion; so lets reevaluate here. First of all, John has always been very opinionated and blunt. This is one of the things I have always liked about him. Direct and to the point. The listeners, as varied as you all are (and I used to be one of you) are just as strong in opinion and, to your credit, defensive towards each other. On top of all that, we all (I think) live in the good ol' USA. Land of the free, home of the brave, and dominant in, as of this posting, 102 different Olympic events and counting. This also means that we all are entitled to our thoughts and opinions, no matter how much they may annoy others of us. Yay USA.Now, this has the ability to start firestorms of debate. Good, we (as in the ITC staff) love debate. We love our listeners and we love their varying opinions. By all means, keep them coming. In the mean time, lets not forget what keeps us coming back to host and what keeps you guys listening: the games. We don't expect any or all of you to swing over to our opinions about anything. Heck, we don't expect ourselves to agree with on everything.
So, let's make a deal; you guys keep coming back, and so will we. All of us. (I think). And as Phil said before, keep writing in. We want to hear from you. Besides, the next show is about sports games. You know, Madden, Top Spin, Mario vs Sonic @ the Olympics, Smackdown vs Raw. Ok, the last one is sports ENTERTAINMENT, but I say it still counts. Anyway, be be prepaired for a good show. We are.
Game On,
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