Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some Random Shit Happened at PAX

The good news is that I have not been stricken with the Swine Flu that reared its ugly head in Seattle over the weekend (my conscience is clear, Jeff Green!). The bad news is that I have a pretty bad cold and feel like almost, but not quite, complete shit. So rather than do a proper post where I talk about something and have, like, an opinion, here's a list of random crap I saw and did at the convention.

1.) I was standing outside of the hotel and Tim Schafer was coming down the sidewalk. Random nerds were coming the other way. When they passed, the random nerds went, in this really high-pitched and jokey voice, "Ohmigodit'sTimSchafer!" Without missing a beat, and in the same voice, Schafer went, "Ohmigodit'syouguys!" and everyone just kept walking.

2.) We were crossing the street in a big group, with me on the outside edge, and someone was crossing the other way. My first thought was, "I am probably going to shoulder-check that guy." Then we got a little closer and my second thought was, "That guy is Wil Wheaton." So my third thought, following very closely after my second thought, was, "I am probably going to shoulder-check Wil Wheaton." But luckily I missed.

3.) I spent maybe twenty minutes at the MySims Agents kiosk talking to Jeff Green about adventure games and Beatles Rock Band. This was unspeakably awesome, although I'm pretty sure he was ready for me to leave after a while.

4.) The woman dressed as The Prince at the Katamari Forever demo posed for a picture in which she pretended to kick a guy in the balls. Sadly, we did not get that picture.

5.) Saturday night, I was trying to find someone to give my concert wristband (guaranteeing access) to, and I saw a guy coming towards me (it was not Wil Wheaton this time). I was about to ask if he wanted the wristband, but then I saw that it was MC Frontalot. And I'm pretty sure he could get into the concert if he wanted to.

There was more, but I think I'm going to go sleep now. My head feels like it's full of pudding.


2 Comments On This Post:

Phil Ringsmuth said...

What kind of pudding?

Friday, September 11, 2009 at 12:16:00 AM CDT
Evan K. said...

Tapioca, I think.

Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 9:17:00 PM CDT

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