Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Long Time Coming

So I had this great post ready to go and sitting at work. Now I understand why I can't access Blogger from my work. (Stupid Privacy laws...) Now the problem becomes when you spend good work time working on something and it up and disappears leaving you to have to make something else up. Such is the case with this post.

Due to the hectic schedules of you wonderful hosts we pushed back our topic to this coming weekend. As such we will be talking about game developer shortcuts and cliches. I'm sure many of you have already read Evan's post, that we are not worthy of, about the subject and have a great head start. Now for some input from me.

I don't want to go into too much detail on my thoughts (That is why we record by the way...) but I do want to leave you with some questions:

1) What are some of the first things that come to mind when you think of cliches and shortcuts in gaming? Some examples include: Giant hit me signs on a boss, "random" encounters, etc.

2) Has a cliche ever ruined a game or possibly an entire genre for you?

3) Are these shortcuts necessary in order to push out the games at today's break neck pace or would the entire industry be better off without them?

4) And a new one thanks to Gamescon: Peter "I'm frickin insane!" Moyleneux (Yeah I probably misspelled it, but I really don't care. The guy is creepy.) unveiled Fable 3. He SWEARS he will be ripping the foundation from RPG's for this game. The question: What the hell is he talking about and is he removing the "cliched" Dungeon's and Dragon's style RPG foundation?

So yeah just a few things to think about.

And you know what, the PSP rocks. Rock Band for the PSP ROCKS! I really wish I didn't have to say that. I picked it up for my birthday as a bundle and I just love it. I also now remember how much I loved Lumines originally. Now if Memory Sticks weren't so damned expensive.

And just so you know if you use Axe products and live near a Target try and pick up their special gamer packs. $5 for the products and 300 Microsoft Points. Stocking up on cleaning product AND free points. You can't lose. I almost have enough to pick up all the Fallout 3 expansions. Now if I just had time to play between Madden and NCAA...


1 Comments On This Post:

Tim said...

Question No.1: Essentially, anything from an old game that was done due to whatever constraints existed at the time (arcade game's difficulty, inability to show enemies on screen) that he continued to be used because that was how it was done in the past.

Question No.2: Not really, I tend to know what I'm getting into before I play a game; If I'm playing an old-school style jrpg I expect random battles, If a game is from Kojima or Suda51 I expect it to be kinda weird.

Question No.3: It all depends on what is being cut and the type of game being made, some shortcuts are more forgivable than others; it's all relative.

Question No.4: As to what Molyneux is talking about, no one ever really knows. He may very well be, he's a bit out there, for better or worse.

Friday, August 21, 2009 at 12:11:00 AM CDT

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