Episode #131 - The Used Game Market (March 8th)
As of this episode we'll be releasing both parts of the show at the same time, to make things easier on you guys. We had this suggestion a while back from one of our listeners, and it seems to be the right thing to do to avoid confusion. So starting with this show, you'll be seeing parts one and two of each episode in your iTunes feed at the same time. Be sure you download missing parts in case iTunes skips one. If you catch anything weird happening, be sure to shoot us an email or post a comment to let us know so we can take care of it. The video will change to be an entire episode at a time, with only a brief musical intermission in between halves. Look for it here as usual.Now, onto the homework. For Episode #131, we'll be talking about the used game market, how you feel about it, how it affects your purchase or trade-ins, etc. As usual, we've got a lineup of questions ready for the taking, so have at 'em!
1. Of your current (physical) gaming collection, what percentage of the games that you own were purchased used and what percentage were purchased new?
2. When a new game comes out that you're interested in buying, do you just plan on buying it new or will you wait for it to show up used somewhere and save yourself some money?
3. What about a game that's been out for a while but is still readily available on store shelves - where do you go to purchase it and why?
4. When looking for older titles that you can't find new, where is your preferred place to shop? We all know of EB/GameStop, but what about eBay, Amazon, local mom-n-pop joints, etc.? Why is this your preference?
5. When you decide you no longer want a game that you own, what is your first choice when deciding what to do with it and why?
6. We all have our own opinions about the "evil" conglomerate that is EB/GameStop, so tell us yours. Do you think that they have shady practices and don't truly give "power to the players"? Do you wish that they had some real competition in the market? Or, is there already enough competition from smaller, more local chains that things are balanced as it is?
Thanks for your comments! We're looking forward to seeing what you guys have to say for this episode.
1 Comments On This Post:
1. 14.28% (1/7 on the 360) are used. The one game is nhl 2007 (i think... on the year) which i bought when it was really cheap at gamers in omaha after a casino trip with the band leader. Ironically enough it has never been touched due to the buying of the GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION OF oblivion. As for the other two systems i own (org. sega and that purple box) not sure what all i have . I have not had the urge in a couple of years to dig them out of storage and play them.
Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 1:21:00 PM CDT2. buy it new. this is due to the strict parental code of cleaness for our nes and snes growing up. used games and usually rentals were almost forbidden.
3. depends on where i am at. usually walmart as i want a new game and it is at the same spot i am buying groceries, etc.
4. if i do buy used games its at gamers. now that oblivion is done (for awhile) after a year i think i will go more and try some cheap games.
5. I'm with phil and drew on this one ...... why get rid of it? Its stupid to trade it in and get not that much for it and then to only want said game again and have to buy it once (sometimes more ) again . Plus I too am a collector (old movies, games, etc.)
6. n/a
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