Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bring it, big boy! Let's go!

You’ve been fighting for hours. Countless hours. You’re tired, you’re hungry, you’re battered beyond recognition and covered in. . . . what the heck are you covered in? You stop to catch your breath and look around. You see a first aid kit and a warm pizza on the table in the corner. Rushing over, you feast as if you’ve never feasted before, then you bandage your wounds. Searching the room further, you see a spotlight. Where did that come from? Or is that a chair? A spinning star? Whatever, you walk towards it quickly eager to find out what the deal is. You sit in the light/ star/ chair for a moment and take a few deep breaths. You turn. There’s the door. Behind it is the one thing you’ve been working toward. The fight you knew was coming hours ago when you walked out the door. There’s no turning back now. You check your equipment. Glad there was a random box of ammo behind that couch earlier. It’s go time now. It him or you, and you have no intention of it being you. You push the door open and walk into the battle of your life with. . .
All of us have dealt with boss battles. It’s a common and logical addition to playing video games. Bosses can be dispatched quickly and easily, or they can take repeated trial and error. Some are never defeated. They can be the catalyst to propel the story, or the part of the story that doesn’t make since. On the next episode of ITC, we’ll be talking about bosses, and we want to know your take on them. We don’t care if you talk about final bosses or low level first bosses. We’re cool knowing about bosses from PC games in this case. Whatever the issue, help us out by answering the few questions below.

1. What is your most memorable boss battle?
2. What/ what was (were) your favorite boss(es) (does not have to be the same as above) and why?
3. Is there a boss battle you though was too easy?
4. Is there a boss you thought was too hard?
5. Have you ever stopped playing a game because of a boss fight?
6. Has there been a boss that legitimately scared you?
7. Have you fought a final boss that was easier that any earlier bosses in the game?
8. Any interesting stories about bosses or boss battles? Let us know.


5 Comments On This Post:

Tim said...

Ahhh... Videogame bosses. A topic I can really sink my teeth into. My e-mail for this episode will be monstrous.

1. Too tough to choose, but a real standout was the Spider Ball Guardian from Metroid Prime 2.

2. Same deal as #1, a ton of candidates. I really liked the final final boss from No More Heroes though.

3. Every boss fight in Super Mario Galaxy.

4. Anything by Treasure on hard mode.

5. Yes, Spider Guardian in MP2, made me stop for 4 months until I figured it out.

6. Water Wraith in Pikmin 2, unstoppable and extremely deadly, you HAVE to run from it.

7. Not really.

8. See upcoming e-mail. It's gonna be huge.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 8:00:00 PM CDT
Alec Elrod said...

1. Dr. Nefarious and the part where you have to get to him the second time through on Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal was a really fun level, you could snipe, charge, and just go crazy it was insanely fun.

2.Same it was a classic example of an idiot who by some idiotic reason takes control and does dastardly stuff.

3. Super Mario Sunshine when you're in the windmill and fighting Petey Piranha that was insanely easy also I was displeased with Ratchet:Deadlocked's bosses. They where all very very very easy same with the entire game.

4.The Boss Battle on James Bond Night fire otherwise known as Equinox was too hard on 007 and really the entire SSE on Insane on brawl but especially with Tabuu.

5.Nightfire's Equinox on 007 I stopped for like 3 months and then i went back and naturally beat it the first time.

6. Tabuu on SSE Insane

7. Galleom or something like that on SSE you had to fight him twice and it was easy both times to me it was much easier then Rayquaza.

8. Yes, but there is an insane amount of them I could go on and on and on and on. One is where on Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal I beat the entire last level using only my wrench and mad dodging skills. Well not entire last level I did use my sniper rifle with Nefarious but other then that i used wrench with him too.

Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 7:13:00 PM CDT
kfox1581 said...

I'm not too much of a video game player. Sadly, I can't seem to get into most games, but I am currently playing Super Mario 64 for the NDS so all my answers are going to have something to do with that game. Sorry in advance:

1. Beating Goomboss to release Mario from his locked room.

2. Same as above because I got to play as Yoshi.

3. The first battle in Bomb-Omb Battlefield.

4. The one I'm currently stuck on, beating Bowser the second time around. I can't stop falling into the lava.

5. Yep, I haven't played Mario in a good week now simply because I can't beat that guy.

6. Not really, no.

7. I don't think I have ever gotten far enough in a game to actually battle the "final" boss which, in hindsight, seems rather sad.

8. Nope, not really. I may go see if I can beat my Mario game and then get back to you.

Also you all made an excellent point in the last podcast (#108 I think) where you all talked about having to buy all these accessories to go along with your new console in order to actually play it. Although I didn't recognize most of the actual games/systems you all mentioned I understood enough to actually understand what you all were talking about. I have a PS2 that I bought only so I could play Guitar Hero 3, stupidly of me I didn't buy a memory card for it and ended up having to continually play it until I beat it so I didn't have to start over every time. There are not very many systems nowadays that you don't need all these extra add-ons to play, the only one that I have had personal experience with it the Nintendo DS; you don't need to buy all this extra memory to save your data as you do with the Playstation 2 or 3 ande what not. But in all honesty it is really the preference of the consumer as to what extras they add on, and as long as people see the need to get all of these extras and ignore the fact that they don't necessarily need them, they will continue to buy them and the companies that manufacture them will continue to make money off of them.

Monday, April 28, 2008 at 10:17:00 PM CDT
Unknown said...

1. Not sure. Maybe the end boss from Resident Evil. Or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

2. Crockamere (sp?) from Super Metroid.

3. The sand pyramid "hands" boss in Mario 64.

4. Yes.

5. Ocarina of Time and Metroid Prime. Got to the end bosses in both games and gave up. If the game disliked the player that much, I figured it didn't deserve my time.

6. Nope.

7. Um...nope.

8. Not that I can think of. I'm not a fan of bosses, and see them as more of an annoyance than anything. Maybe that's why the first Halo was so good...

Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 9:12:00 PM CDT
Anonymous said...

I play games a lot, but they are the same games, either Mario or old school.

1. Jupiter in "To the Earth" for Nintendo. I remember this boss because it was extremely hard (I don't think I ever beat it) and there was this string of red balls kind of resembling a scorpion of sorts.

2. Favorite boss? I really enjoyed all of the MegaMan 4 bosses.

3. Too easy? Probably Super Mario--the original for Nintendo. You need to only jump on Bowser's head or something and cross the bridge. But everytime I get to that point I get nervous that I'm going to run into one of his deathly fireballs.

4. Too hard? If I can choose a level instead of a boss, I'd say probably Rainbow Road in Mario Kart for the Wii. It's trippy and in space and the computer drivers continually knock you off--it actually makes me kind of angry to play, but the level is extremely cool.

5. Ya, I can't beat the final battle in Paper Mario for the Wii. I keep running out of hearts and I don't have enough money to go back and buy extra. I've stopped playing it currently because I'm distracted by other Wii games, but I'll beat it someday.

6. Eh, not really. But I usually get really into games and my adrenaline gets going and I get nervous that I'm going to lose. I don't really play the scary games though. Bowser is as scary as I get.

7. Nope. Final bosses on the games I've played are always more difficult.

8. Interesting stories? Um...sorry I'm kinda lame. Oh, well, yes actually now that I think about it. When I play Street Fighter or Super Smash Brothers, I don't know how to fight or specific moves, I just push buttons really fast. And that's how I beat everyone that I could beat in Street Fighter.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 3:49:00 PM CDT

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