Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thank You Switchpod
Use the link up there to download Episode #106, where we have guest Drew Wicks in the studio to talk about religion in videogames.  Thanks to a plethora of technical problems this week, the show is up a lot later than normal, so we apologize for that.  You can thank Garageband and our hosting company Switchpod for that.
Next time, for #107, we'll be talking about games at retail.  This will include several topics such as how stores stock their games, what happens to older games, and how used game chains treat their inventory.  Here are a few questions we hope you'll answer before we tape the show, which won't be until April 6th.
1. Where do you normally buy your new games?
2. Where do you normally buy your used games?
3. Do you think certain retailers have a preference towards one system or another?
See you guys later!

1 Comments On This Post:

Unknown said...

1. Where do you normally buy your new games?
No specific place, really. MSRP is always the same, and most stores sell new games for MSRP. Unless there's a sale, in which case I go wherever the sale is. Costco has games for about $7 cheaper than MSRP, but I have never bought a game there. I tried to buy GH3 from them, but it was never in stock.

2. Where do you normally buy your used games?

3. Do you think certain retailers have a preference towards one system or another?
No. They go with what sells, and market to trends. It's not in their interest to have a preference unless there's money in it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 5:18:00 PM CDT

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