Bored Games?

I want to extend a special thank-you to Drew Wicks for not only submitting a great idea for episode #104, Physical Movement in Videogames, but also for making the long and dangerous trek from northern Ontario to the studio via dog sled to appear on the show. It was nice to have you there, Drew!

We've also got to bid a fond farewell to ITC's third studio with this episode, as it will soon be (even more) filled with moving boxes and furniture as my wife and I prepare to move into our new house that we're buying this Friday. The studio will actually have a permanent home now, and you might even hear rumblings of other podcasts being recorded there in the not too distant future...

But on to the good stuff. Next time on ITC, we'll be somewhat revisiting a topic we discussed last year on April Fool's day, Board Games. Only this time we'll be talking about your favorite board games that have been converted from boards, cards and pieces into TVs, buttons and cartridges. Your homework questions are below, and you must get at least a D (that's passing, right?) in order to keep listening.

Thanks for listening everybody, we'll see you from our brand new studio in two weeks!


Questions for Episode #105 - Board Games turned Digital:
1. What was (is?) your favorite board game and/or card game growing up, and has this game been recreated as a videogame that you know of?
2. Have you ever actually bought a videogame version of any board game or card game?
3. Do you think there exists a market for these types of conversions?
4. Will (or could?) videogames (as a whole, not necessarily just board-game based ones) ever replace board games as a part of future generations' childhoods?
5. Do you like pie?
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It Just Keeps Coming

So... You gotta love when things just keep right on coming. Click on the above picture for the full comic. This one is for you Drew Wicks.

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Well, if there was a more perfect example of *exactly* what John and I talked about last week (Games in the Media), I sure as heck can't find it.  Here you go people.

Your thoughts?

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Move It!

On the upcoming episode of ITC, #104, we'll be discussing another fan-submitted topic: The Evolution of Physical Movement in Gaming. Drew Wicks sent this one to us, and he'll also be making a guest appearance on the show. It will also be the last show recorded in the current studio, so be prepared to shed a few tears as we bid farewell to it.

Here are a few questions to get your mind churning, with more (from Drew himself) on the way:

1. What game do you consider as being the one that brought Motion-Based Gaming into the mainstream?

2. Do you think the Nintendo Wii fits into the category of Motion-Based Gaming?

There will be more questions soon, so check back friends.

Game on!

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I'm sorry.

Okay... So because I'm a slacker I didn't get you guys questions for the upcoming topic: Games in the Media. Also because I'm a hopeless romantic worthy of Dave-style slamming the show will be late due to my wife and I heading out of town for our Anniversary (4 years whether you believe it or not.)

As such I still am getting questions up pre-show!

1) Are games viewed in any way other than negative in the media?

2) Is recent backlash from developers in response to media criticism good for gamers? Is it a sign that we are developing friends in the industry itself?

3) Has the recent exposure of games in the media (both good and bad) a sign of the importance of gaming as a cultural medium?

4) Is there anything to be said for games being blamed when things go wrong? Is there any truth to it?

So there. Sink your teeth into that.

-John (albeit late)
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