Chugging Along
Episode #091 is up and a few of you are already downloading it. We know it may not be the greatest (read: it's kinda boring) but we encourage you to listen anyway, because you might pick up on something about either the DS or the PSP that you didn't know before.I've got a few links for the episode that I'll be posting here a little later, so keep watch for that. Also, be sure to check out the first annual "Inside The Console's Best of..." contest, which is linked in the sidebar. It's where you, the fans, get to send your submissions for the best of (in several categories) for the year 2007. Check it out.
Next week we're doing yet another fan-submitted topic (keep 'em coming!) this time from Simon. We will be taking a "Devil's Advocate" approach to the PS3, and looking at it for everything it has to offer. This is a complete turn-around from our usual take on Sony and the PS3, but we think it will be good for us and good for you guys as well.
Game on!
1 Comments On This Post:
Thanks for the update, guys. I haven't listened to ITC, or *any* podcast, in about three weeks, because I'm plowing my way through Thomas Friedman's "The World is Flat." It's a 19-hour audiobook, and while intensely fascinating, it means no time for other audio (well, ok, I did take a break one day for an episode of Gamespot's, "The Hotspot"). Glad to hear you'll be using my topic for a show. Keep 'em coming, guys.
Saturday, November 3, 2007 at 9:49:00 AM CDTPost a Comment