3... 2... 1... Fight!
Episode #079 is available, get it while it's hot. You've never heard squealing, whimpering and gnashing of teeth like you'll hear in this episode, where John and Phil argue about cinematics in videogames.
Do you think that cinematics need to be pre-rendered (as in Final Fantasy VII) in order to make you feel more drawn into the game, or can cinematics be rendered on-the-fly by using the game's engine and still manage to draw you in just as much? Comment on this post with your thoughts on the matter, we want to hear 'em!
Next week, we will be doing another System Focus episode, focusing on the short-lived Sega Dreamcast.
I'm out, game on!
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Do you think that cinematics need to be pre-rendered (as in Final Fantasy VII) in order to make you feel more drawn into the game, or can cinematics be rendered on-the-fly by using the game's engine and still manage to draw you in just as much? Comment on this post with your thoughts on the matter, we want to hear 'em!
Next week, we will be doing another System Focus episode, focusing on the short-lived Sega Dreamcast.
I'm out, game on!