Blog? What Blog?

Due to laziness, forgetfulness, and, well, a complete lack of planning ahead, none of us bothered to post anything here between last episode and now, sorry 'bout that. But have we got a doozy for you this time. On Episode #113, all three of us were again back in the studio to talk about racism and discrimination in gaming. Not just inside of videogames, but also in a broader scope, such as companies using "girl gamers" as promotion, and even the term "gamer" itself being possibly out of place. I highly recommend you give it a listen. And no, not just because it's my job to say that...

Next time on the show, after we've all regrown any digits lost on July 4th, and (hopefully) after surviving the iPhone 3G launch par-tay, we'll be hosting what should be another awesome episode, Videogame Busts. This will be everything that was meant to be... that was never meant to be. So get ready to curl up in front your computer with all of your buddies, your Panasonic Q, Phantom Console, ROB, Dreamcast (don't hate me), Sidetalkin' N-Gage, N64DD, and Playstation Home (yeah, I went there) for another to-be-excellent episode of Inside The Console.

In the mean time, be sure to send us your favorite videogame busts, especially any that you might have owned or possibly still do. What do you think about busts, do you feel bad for certain things that never made it, or do you think that some things just deserve to not make it? Let us know!

Also, as promised on Episode #113, be sure to read the comments on this post for Timothy Sundberg's novel on his favorite bosses, as well as two excellent emails from Joshua that we just didn't have time to rea on the air.

Until next time, game on!

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The guys will love this one

As much as we talk about it, there is no reason we shouldn't give this a nod.
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Hey Listeners-

So I feel that I owe all of you at least a little bit of an explanation as to why I missed a show. First off I'm sorry. I promised myself when we started this show that NOTHING would stop me from recording. Secondly, I don't even feel like my reasoning is all that great, but here goes.

As I mentioned previously on the air, I am now unemployed. Have been for about 3 weeks now. Unfortunately the job search is not going well at all. Even more unfortunately my unemployment is on hold with the State of Nebraska. As such money is very tight and were trying to keep gas costs to a minimum. As such I couldn't risk making the trip to Lincoln for the show.

Again I am sorry. Hopefully by next show things will have improved and I can get back on the horse. Bear in mind that I am not slacking on my gaming in the meantime. I am keeping my eyes on the tubes and playing to keep the stress away. I'll have plenty to talk about when I return.


PS - Red vs Blue is BACK! Check it out here.
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Where's John?

In nearly two-and-a-half years, neither John nor I have ever missed being on an episode of Inside The Console. Unfortunately, that has finally changed. John was unable to make it to Studio 5 for Episode #111, and we decided not to attempt a Skype- or Gizmo Project-based show since we've had iffy results with those in the past. Luckily, since we now have Drew as our third (and excellent) host, we decided to go ahead and do a show with just him and I, and hold off on John (and his topic) until next time.

So we had to improvise this week, since we didn't want to steal John's thunder and discuss plagiarism in gaming without him. We scrambled for a while, but ended up talking about the impending release of Guitar Hero 4 (or "World Tour" as it's called) and its not-so-shy attempt to conquer Rock Band this holiday season. If you don't know by now, Guitar Hero 4 includes a drum kit (enhanced over Rock Band's) as well as a microphone, and an "unannounced feature" of the guitar which will supposedly change the way music games are played for-evah. I'll believe that one when I see it.

Why the need to completely change your game and attempt to swallow the competition, though? Millions of people enjoy both Guitar Hero and Rock Band, as each cateres to a different audience (to a certain extent). Is Guitar Hero giving up its guitar fundamentals in an attempt to completely outshadow Rock Band?

This is what Drew and I attempt to answer in this episode. Share your thoughts in the comments or shoot us a line at Don't forget to answer John's questions about plagiarism, which are posted just below, for the next episode.

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