Episode #111 Episode #111 Episode #111 Episode #111

So as usual I am plenty late in getting this posted. Our massive mailbag episode is now done and over and so we will move on to our usual discussion.

In today's world of internet games and ever increasing push for quick bucks in development we have seen a rash of games that are exactly the same. If you've ever played a number of the Snood clones, Bejeweled clones, or others than you know exactly what I am talking about. A wonderful site, Law of the Game, is a wonderful source to read about some of the concepts behind this. On top of everything else we have the added concept of cross-media plagiarism. Kotaku has one of the most prominent examples of this. So if you haven't figured it out we are going to talk about plagiarism and copyright issues in gaming. A few things to think about:

1) Can you think of any high profile copies that you have seen?

2) Have you ever seen an issue of a copy being better than the issue?

3) Are these copies really hurting anyone?

4) Are similar story lines like the Dead Rising issue an issue of plagiarism or are stories open to whoever wants to do it?

That's all I have for today. Back to my job search.

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Need we say more?

As found on Slashdot.org

Judge Recommends Guilty Verdict for Jack Thompson

GamePolitics is reporting that a Florida Judge has recommended that Jack Thompson be found guilty on 27 of 31 counts of misconduct and is awaiting a Florida Supreme Court verdict to back him up. Thompson is striking back with allegations against the Judge and others, complaining that loyalty oaths were never signed. "Tunis made 21 recommendations of guilt in relation to Thompson's participation in Strickland vs. Sony, an Alabama case in which the anti-game attorney represented the families of two police officers and a police dispatcher slain by 18-year-old Grand Theft Auto player Devin Moore. Tunis also recommended that Thompson be found guilty on four out of five counts relating to his 2006 attempt to have Rockstar's Bully declared a public nuisance in a case before Miami Judge Ronald Friedman. An additional two guilty counts stemmed from a non-video game matter."

Let's just hope the Florida Supreme Court gets it right, too.


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I hate doing this...

Okay. I hate shamelessly plugging sites that I like, but the end of this review is too good to miss.


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Listen(er) Up!

You guys probably noticed already that the blog has gotten face lift just recently. I hope you all like the new look, which I think makes it much easier to read and navigate. The biggest improvement over the old blog, though, is definitely the new(ish) listener map which has been included in the sidebar. Over there ----->.

You can get a quick glance right here of where people are across the country (and globe) that listen to Inside The Console, but if you click on "Full-Size Map" you will get, duh, the full-size version. One of the best features is the color-coded pins, arranged on the left-hand side of the screen.

The red pins are for ITC hosts, green pins indicate that the listener has given us either their Gamertag, Wii Code, AIM name, or something similar. If you're looking to hook up for some online Halo 3 or Smash Bros., use the green pins to find fellow ITC listeners who you can probably get connected with.

If you are a new listener or you haven't added yourself to the map yet, click the link to add yourself. It will open up a new email (or you can just send us one) and you just need to tell us your name, location, and if you like, your Wii Code or Gamertag so we can hopefully see you online.

In the mean time, let us know what you think of the new blog and map, and be sure to read the post below this one and send us your Boss Battle answers if you haven't yet.

Game on!

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Boss Battles - Part Deux

We hope you all enjoy the first half of our Boss Battles show, we sure did get quite a good response from people eager to tell us about their favorite bosses. Next time on Inside The Console, we will be going through the second half of everybody's answers for the boss questions, so if you haven't sent us your answers, please do!

The questions are listed below again, so please add your answers in the comments or send us an email with your responses. Don't worry if you didn't answer in time for the first half of the show, we'll still go through all eight of your answers on part two.

Thanks to everybody for sending in your responses, we can't wait to hear from more people.


1. What is your most memorable boss battle?
2. What are your favorite boss(es) (does not have to be the same as above) and why?
3. Is there a boss battle you though was too easy?
4. Is there a boss you thought was too hard?
5. Have you ever stopped playing a game because of a boss fight?
6. Has there been a boss that legitimately scared you?
7. Have you fought a final boss that was easier that any earlier bosses in the game?
8. Any interesting stories about bosses or boss battles? Let us know.
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