Episode #111 Episode #111 Episode #111 Episode #111
So as usual I am plenty late in getting this posted. Our massive mailbag episode is now done and over and so we will move on to our usual discussion.
In today's world of internet games and ever increasing push for quick bucks in development we have seen a rash of games that are exactly the same. If you've ever played a number of the Snood clones, Bejeweled clones, or others than you know exactly what I am talking about. A wonderful site, Law of the Game, is a wonderful source to read about some of the concepts behind this. On top of everything else we have the added concept of cross-media plagiarism. Kotaku has one of the most prominent examples of this. So if you haven't figured it out we are going to talk about plagiarism and copyright issues in gaming. A few things to think about:
1) Can you think of any high profile copies that you have seen?
2) Have you ever seen an issue of a copy being better than the issue?
3) Are these copies really hurting anyone?
4) Are similar story lines like the Dead Rising issue an issue of plagiarism or are stories open to whoever wants to do it?
That's all I have for today. Back to my job search.
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In today's world of internet games and ever increasing push for quick bucks in development we have seen a rash of games that are exactly the same. If you've ever played a number of the Snood clones, Bejeweled clones, or others than you know exactly what I am talking about. A wonderful site, Law of the Game, is a wonderful source to read about some of the concepts behind this. On top of everything else we have the added concept of cross-media plagiarism. Kotaku has one of the most prominent examples of this. So if you haven't figured it out we are going to talk about plagiarism and copyright issues in gaming. A few things to think about:
1) Can you think of any high profile copies that you have seen?
2) Have you ever seen an issue of a copy being better than the issue?
3) Are these copies really hurting anyone?
4) Are similar story lines like the Dead Rising issue an issue of plagiarism or are stories open to whoever wants to do it?
That's all I have for today. Back to my job search.