Unbelievable, isn't it? Not the fact that John and I are still trapping ourselves in the studio on a regular basis to babble about videogames, but the fact that, after two solid years of this, you guys still want to listen to us!
You are the best listeners ever!
However, for the first time in history, we are giving you all a direct homework assignment (something which may become more regular, John?...) We're going to give you a couple specific questions regarding our upcoming shows, and we'd like to hear from you, either
via email or in the comments on the blog, with your answers. And we're giving you two weeks now to send us your responses, so you've really got no excuse :-).
For your first assignment:
1) Take the #1 Fan Quiz if you haven't already!
2) What game are you most looking forward to in 2008 and why?
3) What new innovations or advancements do you hope to see this year?
4) What do you envision each console's sales numbers looking like as the year goes on?
There you go. Have fun, and we hope everyone has an awesome 2008.
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