They're Still Here?

Yep. Sorry for the big delay and barren wasteland devoid of blog entries, but we most certainly are still here. We finally were able to record Episode #096, although we had to do it over Skype, and the sound quality isn't all that great.

Thanks for sticking with us as we wrap up our second season here at Inside The Console. As usual, we ask that you take a few minutes to try our Number One Fan Survey, and the Best Of 2007 Survey, both available on the sidebar of this page.

Oh, and I finally beat Metroid Prime 3, and am working my way through the (creepy) Bioshock.

Game On!

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Umm... Activision Blizzard Entertainment? Yeah. It actually happened.

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One Console World

So yeah. Our next episode is: What about a one console world? And Episode 95 is up. And we forgot to blog it. Yeah... Sorry.

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Random Thought

Okay. So every once in a while I have these random video game thoughts. Usually just off the wall sort of stuff. These "thoughts" are kinda how the podcast came about. I'd have one, Fil and I would talk about i, and it'd go on for hours. Well I've decided to share these on here now. My most recent thought:

How come the term "fanboy" only seems to apply to gamers? I mean what about all those people out there who won't buy anything but Abercrombie and Fitch or AE? Why aren't these people also universally reviled by other shoppers? Isn't that the whole point?

Just a thought.

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